Recent News
11 - Technical Program
Published: 2014/04/08
It is published the final Technical Program General and detailed.

10 - Invited Lectures
Published: 2014/02/25
We are pleased to confirm the Invited Lecture to be given by Prof. Dr. Nesri Seyhan (Chairperson, Biophysics Dept., Medical Faculty of Gazi University, Turkey; Director, Gazi Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Center (GNRK); Advisory Committee member, WHO EMF and Panel Member, NATO STO HFM), with the title:
Recent Findings of GAZI Biophysics and GNRK on RF Gazi Biophysics is located in Ankara at the Medical Faculty of Gazi University and has been carrying out in vivo, in vitro and clinical research studies on the biological impacts of Static, Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) and Microwave (MW) electromagnetic fields (EMF) since 1989. Our laboratory includes: physicists, biologists, electrical engineers, all of whom are studying how living systems respond to EMF. Our research team includes physicists, biologists, electrical engineers, physicians, biochemists, pathologists and veterinarians.
Gazi Biophysics is Academic Representative to NATO Science and Tecnology Organisation (NATO STO HFM) since 2007, International Advisory Committee member of EMF and Health to WHO since 2001, and Scientific Secreteriat Member of International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) since 2007.
We do expose animals and cell cultures to Radiofrequency (RF) EMF including mobile phones and we do clinical research. We also measure all kinds of EMF sources between 5 Hz – 60 GHz, including cellular phones, base stations, transformers, high power lines, TV and radio antennas, microwave ovens, Diathermy units, Wi-Fi's, MRI's and Radars under Gazi Nonionizing Radiation Protection Center (GNRK). GNRK has been founded by Gazi Biophysics in July, 2004.
Gazi Biophysics & GNRK published 70 articles on biological effects of EMF. Some of them are on DNA, Thyroid tissue, Oxidatıve Stress, Blood Lymphocytes, Mitochondrial Membrane Potential of Breast Fibroblast cells and Breast Cancer (MCF-7) cells studies. Basic details related with these studies will be given. 
9 - Invited Lectures
Published: 2014/02/19
We are pleased to confirm the Invited Lecture to be given by Dr.Jafar Keshvari (EMF Research and Standards, Nokia Corporation; Chairman of the International Electrotechnical Commission MT1 Committees and Adjunt Professor of Bio-Electromagnetics at Aalto, Espoo - Finland), with the title:
Scientific Basis of the Compliance Assessment of Portable Wireless Communication Devices
The amount of radio frequency field energy absorbed in the human body is characterized by Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), which is related to the rate at which energy is absorbed per unit mass in an object exposed to a radio frequency (RF) field. The SAR distribution in a biological body is complicated and is usually carried out by experimental techniques or numerical modeling. In compliance testing of cell phones with safety limits, the relevant quantity is the peak spatial average SAR (psSAR) integrated over a cubical or a contiguous volume of 10g of tissue. Both define a limit of the psSAR of 2 W/kg.
The psSAR is measured in the Specific Anthropometric Mannequin (SAM) defined in the above mentioned standards. For the compliance testing of wireless communication devices operating close to the body, so called “flat phantom ” which is filled by tissue simulating liquid is used. All portable wireless devices have to comply with RF exposure limits before putting them in the market. Compliances standards for the portable RF wireless devices were developed by International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and IEEE.
The objective of this plenary talk is to provide the scientific basis of compliance assessment of portable wireless commun ication devices operating close to the head or human body which are the basis of IEC and IEEE RF exposure assessment standards.

8 - Technical Program
Published: 2014/02/19
It is published the provisional Technical Program General and detailed.

7 - Full Papers and Information to Authors
Published: 2014/01/08
Information to Authors regarding Full Paper submission, registration and payment details have been sent to the corresponding Author of accepted Papers.

6 - Conference Hotel
Published: 2014/01/08
Information about Conference Hotel is posted on the Conference webpage, as well as special rates for all Participants and Guests.
5 - NEW Date for Abstract Submission
Published: 2013/11/21
The Conference Organizers extended the deadline for Abstract submission.
The new date is now 9th December 2013.
The date to inform Authors about the Acceptance of the Abstract was changed too.
The new date is now 16th December 2013.
More details about Dates.
4 - Institutional Supports
Published: 2013/10/25
The Conference received the Institutional Support of:
- Direção Geral de Saúde (Portuguese General Director of Health),
- Ordem dos Médicos (Portuguese Charter of Physicians),
- Sociedade Portuguesa de Oncologia (Portuguese Society of Oncology).
Sponsor Links
3 - Thematic Areas: New Two Topics
Published: 2013/09/30
Two new topics were added to AREA 2: Bioeffects of Electromagnetic Fields and Health Implication, at Conference Thematic Areas.
These new topics are:
- Electromagnetic Fields at Workplaces.
- Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (Scientific Evidence, Treatment).
Previous, other two topics were added to this area:
- Ultraviolet (UV) Exposure and Cancer Risk.
- UV Sunbeds and Legislation.
Visit the Thematic Areas for more details.
2 - Post-Conference Publication: PIE Journal Special Issue Published: 2013/09/17
There will be another Special Issue for this Conference.
It will be on PIE Journal - Progress in Industrial Ecology for original papers with subject related with the environment.
The Progress in Industrial Ecology (PIE) journal, contributes to international research and practice in industrial ecology for sustainable development. Visit the Post Conference Publication for more details.
1 - Post-Conference Publication: COMPEL Journal Special Issue Published: 2013/09/04
The Conference Organizers inform that there will be a Special Issue on COMPEL Journal for selected extended and enhanced papers originally presented at this Conference.
This Special Issue will have a title "Special Issue on Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment" and will be Issue 3, Volume 34, of COMPEL in 2015. Link