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Chairmain's Message
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Extended Abstract: Guidelines

The authors are encouraged to submit technical papers describing original and not yet publised work, and send to the Conference Secretariat an Extended Abstract of the communication in one of the topics covered by the EHE2014 Conference.

These Extended Abstracts are not single abstracts or proposals of intention but should include all the information for an adequate revision to access the quality, scientific content by the Scientific Committee, and should have a maximum of 2 A4 pages size.

The Extended Abstracts shall be produced as camera-ready copy on A4 paper according to the guidelines presented here in Paper Template:

- doc version
- pdf version

Extended Abstract must be submitted via internet, accompanied by the appropriate form, to e-mail: ehe2014-secretariado@apdee.org.

These Extended Abstracts will be reviewed by the International Scientific Committee that will select them according to originality and scientific/technical content.

The complete communications will be accepted on the base of the accepted Extended Abstracts, and will be presented at the Conference either in oral or poster format.

The decision about the form of presentation (oral/poster) is to be done by the Conference Organization and is not related at all with the quality of the papers, as both forms will be treated equally.


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